61 research outputs found

    Effects of toe-out and toe-in gaits on lower-extremity kinematics, dynamics, and electromyography

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    Toe-in and toe-out gait modifications have received increasing attention as an effective, conservative treatment for individuals without severe osteoarthritis because of its potential for improving knee adduction moment (KAM) and knee flexion moment (KFM). Although toe-in and toe-out gaits have positive effects on tibiofemoral (TF) joint pain in the short term, negative impacts on other joints of the lower extremity may arise. The main purpose of this study was to quantitatively compare the effects of foot progression angle (FPA) gait modification with normal walking speeds in healthy individuals on lower-extremity joint, ground reaction force (GRF), muscle electromyography, joint moment, and TF contact force. Experimental measurements using the Vicon system and multi-body dynamics musculoskeletal modelling using OpenSim were conducted in this study. Gait analysis of 12 subjects (n = 12) was conducted with natural gait, toe-in gait, and toe-out gait. One-way repeated measures of ANOVA (p < 0.05) with Tukey’s test was used for statistical analysis. Results showed that the toe-in and toe-out gait modifications decreased the max angle of knee flexion by 8.8 and 12.18 degrees respectively (p < 0.05) and the max angle of hip adduction by 1.28 and 0.99 degrees respectively (p < 0.05) compared to the natural gait. Changes of TF contact forces caused by FPA gait modifications were not statistically significant; however, the effect on KAM and KFM were significant (p < 0.05). KAM or combination of KAM and KFM can be used as surrogate measures for TF medial contact force. Toe-in and toe-out gait modifications could relieve knee joint pain probably due to redistribution of TF contact forces on medial and lateral condylar through changing lateral contact centers and shifting bilateral contact locations

    Synthetic Paper for Point-of-Care Diagnostics : Capillary control, surface modifications, and their applications

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    Capillary-based platforms for diagnostics are popular for the point-of-care diagnostics market because of their low cost, easy fabrication, and easy operation. Lateral flow tests are an excellent example of capillary-based platforms for point-of-care diagnostics. However, most current lateral flow tests can only provide qualitative results or have low sensitivity. Lateral flow tests with better performance are needed. In this thesis, I tried to improve the performance of lateral flow tests from different aspects: flow rate control, surface modification, plasma separation, and immunoassay application. Variations in sample liquid properties (viscosity and surface energy) can lead to variations in the flow rate, and therefore variations in the lateral flow test results. I developed a novel capillary pump system that can provide a constant pumping flow rate independent of liquid surface energy and viscosity. This capillary pump system works well for bodily liquids, even for blood, which has low surface energy. This capillary pump system can provide a flow rate 20.96-24.76 ÎŒL/min for all the kinds of liquid tested, which is relevant for LFTs in clinical diagnostics. The substrate of lateral flow tests should be hydrophilic and must be easy to functionalize with protein for immunoassay applications. I developed surface modification protocols for the novel lateral flow test substrate - OSTE synthetic paper. I tested different hydrophilic treatments of synthetic paper, including PEGMA, HEMA, O2 plasma, and Tween 20 coating. All these treatment methods work well, and they provide slightly different hydrophilicity, and therefore different pumping velocities for liquid samples. They can be used for applications with different requirements on hydrophilicity. Moreover, I flowed blood plasma samples through the synthetic paper with different hydrophilic treatments and found that the OSTE synthetic paper surface retains low amounts of plasma protein (with a protein recovery rate close to 100%), which shows that synthetic paper is a good material for biological sample handling. I also developed and validated two protocols for grafting on synthetic paper: thiol-yne-biotin-streptavidin and thiol-maleimide-biotin-streptavidin. Plasma separation is an essential step for lateral flow tests using whole blood as the sample. Usually, commercial filtration membranes for plasma separation are added to the test strips. Such membranes, however, suffer from a protein retention. I built a plasma extractor using synthetic paper. The synthetic paper underwent hydrophilic treatment and was precoated with agglutination antibody. The agglutination antibody caused local agglutination of red blood cells, while the plasma continued pumping using capillary action, thus achieving the separation. The synthetic paper had a smaller surface area to make sure less protein is retained by the surface, resulting in a higher protein recovery rate (&gt;82%) than commercial filtration membranes (73%). Microarray technology provides a high-throughput method to test the functionality of LFT immunoassay reagents. Nitrocellulose and glass are traditional materials for microarray platforms. I used them and synthetic paper as the substrate for a protein microarray platform, and made a systematic comparison of these three substrates with respect to the fluorescence signal. To accomplish this, I used an indirect competitive sandwich assay for the detection of the antibiotic enrofloxacin in whole milk, and fluorophore as the signal label. The experiments showed that synthetic paper could provide an overall better performance in terms of signal variance, reproducibility, limit of detection, and goodness of fit. I further investigated the influence of synthetic paper geometry design on the assay performance and chose the best design for matrix study of milk. I found the matrix effect of milk to be low, and that synthetic paper can be used for enrofloxacin detection in whole milk. The LOD of enrofloxacin detection in whole milk is 1.64 nM, which is much lower than the concentration (288.98 nM) stipulated by EU regulations.The results of the microarray platform can provide guidelines for designing lateral flow tests using synthetic paper as the substrate. These contributions can be combined or used individually to improve the performance of lateral flow tests on reproducibility and/or sensitivity. Synthetic paper has been proved to be a good substrate for LFTs by allowing easy sample handling and immunoassay coupling, and will find wider applications in the field of quantitative LFTs.PatientnĂ€ra medicinsk diagnostik Ă€r ett bra sĂ€tt för att fĂ„ snabba diagnostiska svar inom sjukvĂ„rden eller i hemmet. Lateralflödestest, som drivs av kapillĂ€rkrafter, Ă€r en typ av patientnĂ€ra diagnostik som Ă€r vĂ€ldigt populĂ€r pĂ„ grund av dess lĂ„ga pris, enkla tillverkning samt att de Ă€r lĂ€tta att anvĂ€nda. De flesta lateralflödestester pĂ„ marknaden ger endast kvalitativa resultat eller har lĂ„g kĂ€nslighet. Det finns alltsĂ„ ett behov av att förbĂ€ttra dess prestanda. I den hĂ€r avhandlingen försökte jag förbĂ€ttra prestanda för lateralflödestest frĂ„n olika aspekter, nĂ€mligen: förbĂ€ttrad kontroll av flödeshastighet, ytmodifiering, blodplasmafiltrering, och immunoanalysmetod.  Variationer av provvĂ€tskans egenskaper (viskositet och ytenergi) kan leda till variationer i lateralflödesresultat. Jag utvecklade ett nytt kapillĂ€rsystem som kan ge konstant pumphastighet oberoende av bĂ„de provets ytenergi och viskositet, vilket minskar skillnaderna som orsakas av variationerna i provets vĂ€tskeegenskaper. KapillĂ€rsystemet fungerar bra för kroppsvĂ€tskor, inklusive blodprover med lĂ„g ytenergi. Material för lateraltflödestester bör vara hydrofilt och ska vara lĂ€tt att immobiliseras med protein för immunanalys. Jag utvecklade ytmodifieringsprotokoll för ett nytt material för lateralflödestest som kallas ”OSTE syntetiskt papper”. Jag testade olika hydrofila behandlingar pĂ„ syntetiskt papper, inklusive PEGMA, HEMA, O2 plasma och Tween 20-belĂ€ggning. Alla dessa behandlingsmetoder fungerar bra, och ger nĂ„got olika hydrofilicitet, och dĂ€rför olika pumphastighet. De kan anvĂ€ndas i tillĂ€mningar med olika krav pĂ„ hydrofilicitet. Dessutom flödade jag blodplasmaprover genom det syntetiska papperet med olika hydrofila behandlingar och fann att dess yta binder vĂ€ldigt lite plasmaprotein (nĂ€stan 100% av proteinet behĂ„lls i plasman), vilket visar att syntetpappret Ă€r ett bra material för biologisk provhantering. Jag utvecklade ocksĂ„ tvĂ„ protokoll för att fĂ€sta biomolekyler pĂ„ syntetiskt papper med hjĂ€lp av molekylkombinationerna tiol-yne-biotin-streptavidin och tiol-maleimid-biotin-streptavidin. Blodplasmaseparering Ă€r ett viktigt steg för lateralflödestester nĂ€r man analyserar Ă€r blod. Vanligtvis anvĂ€nds ett kommersiellt filtreringsmembran pĂ„ testremsan för plasmaseparation men tyvĂ€rr fastnar mycket av provets protein i filtreringmembranet. Jag byggde en plasma-extraherare av syntetiskt papper. Det syntetiska papperet gavs en hydrofil yta och belades med agglutinerings-antikropp. Agglutinerings-antikroppen binder ihop röda blodkroppar med varandra, och plasman fortsĂ€tter att föda. Det syntetiska papperet har porstorlek som Ă€r tillrĂ€ckligt liten för att tillhandahĂ„lla kapillĂ€rkraft för att pumpa plasma, och tillrĂ€ckligt liten för att se till att protein inte fastnar pĂ„ ytan, vilket gör att man fĂ„r mer protein kvar att analysera (&gt;82%) Ă€n om man anvĂ€nder kommersiella filtreringsmembran (73%). Nitrocellulosa och glas Ă€r vanliga material för mikroarray-plattformar. Jag gjorde en systematisk jĂ€mförelse av nitrocellulosa, glas och syntetiskt papper genom att anvĂ€nda dem som underlag för en proteinbaserad mikroarray-plattform. Den anvĂ€nde en antikroppsbaserad analysmetod för enrofloxacindetektion i mjölk. FrĂ„n de experimentella resultaten drog jag slutsatsen att syntetiskt papper kunde ge en generellt bĂ€ttre prestanda nĂ€r det gĂ€ller varians, reproducerbarhet och detektionsgrĂ€ns. Jag undersökte Ă€ven pĂ„verkan av syntetiska papprets geometriska design pĂ„ analysprestanda och valde den bĂ€sta designen för studier av mjölk. Jag fann att matriseffekten av mjölk Ă€r liten pĂ„ syntetiskt papper, att syntetiskt papper kan anvĂ€ndas direkt för enrofloxacindetektion i mjölk och med en detektionsgrĂ€ns lĂ„ngt under EUs reglemente. Resultaten av mikroarray-plattformen kan ge riktlinjer för utformning av lateralflödestester med syntetiskt papper som underlag. Resultaten in denna avhandling kan anvĂ€ndas tillsammans eller separat för att öka prestandan i framtidens lateralflödestester. Det syntetiska pappret visade sig ha god potential för att skapa kvalitativa lateralflödestester.QC 20200611</p

    Synthetic Paper for Point-of-Care Diagnostics : Capillary control, surface modifications, and their applications

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    Capillary-based platforms for diagnostics are popular for the point-of-care diagnostics market because of their low cost, easy fabrication, and easy operation. Lateral flow tests are an excellent example of capillary-based platforms for point-of-care diagnostics. However, most current lateral flow tests can only provide qualitative results or have low sensitivity. Lateral flow tests with better performance are needed. In this thesis, I tried to improve the performance of lateral flow tests from different aspects: flow rate control, surface modification, plasma separation, and immunoassay application. Variations in sample liquid properties (viscosity and surface energy) can lead to variations in the flow rate, and therefore variations in the lateral flow test results. I developed a novel capillary pump system that can provide a constant pumping flow rate independent of liquid surface energy and viscosity. This capillary pump system works well for bodily liquids, even for blood, which has low surface energy. This capillary pump system can provide a flow rate 20.96-24.76 ÎŒL/min for all the kinds of liquid tested, which is relevant for LFTs in clinical diagnostics. The substrate of lateral flow tests should be hydrophilic and must be easy to functionalize with protein for immunoassay applications. I developed surface modification protocols for the novel lateral flow test substrate - OSTE synthetic paper. I tested different hydrophilic treatments of synthetic paper, including PEGMA, HEMA, O2 plasma, and Tween 20 coating. All these treatment methods work well, and they provide slightly different hydrophilicity, and therefore different pumping velocities for liquid samples. They can be used for applications with different requirements on hydrophilicity. Moreover, I flowed blood plasma samples through the synthetic paper with different hydrophilic treatments and found that the OSTE synthetic paper surface retains low amounts of plasma protein (with a protein recovery rate close to 100%), which shows that synthetic paper is a good material for biological sample handling. I also developed and validated two protocols for grafting on synthetic paper: thiol-yne-biotin-streptavidin and thiol-maleimide-biotin-streptavidin. Plasma separation is an essential step for lateral flow tests using whole blood as the sample. Usually, commercial filtration membranes for plasma separation are added to the test strips. Such membranes, however, suffer from a protein retention. I built a plasma extractor using synthetic paper. The synthetic paper underwent hydrophilic treatment and was precoated with agglutination antibody. The agglutination antibody caused local agglutination of red blood cells, while the plasma continued pumping using capillary action, thus achieving the separation. The synthetic paper had a smaller surface area to make sure less protein is retained by the surface, resulting in a higher protein recovery rate (&gt;82%) than commercial filtration membranes (73%). Microarray technology provides a high-throughput method to test the functionality of LFT immunoassay reagents. Nitrocellulose and glass are traditional materials for microarray platforms. I used them and synthetic paper as the substrate for a protein microarray platform, and made a systematic comparison of these three substrates with respect to the fluorescence signal. To accomplish this, I used an indirect competitive sandwich assay for the detection of the antibiotic enrofloxacin in whole milk, and fluorophore as the signal label. The experiments showed that synthetic paper could provide an overall better performance in terms of signal variance, reproducibility, limit of detection, and goodness of fit. I further investigated the influence of synthetic paper geometry design on the assay performance and chose the best design for matrix study of milk. I found the matrix effect of milk to be low, and that synthetic paper can be used for enrofloxacin detection in whole milk. The LOD of enrofloxacin detection in whole milk is 1.64 nM, which is much lower than the concentration (288.98 nM) stipulated by EU regulations.The results of the microarray platform can provide guidelines for designing lateral flow tests using synthetic paper as the substrate. These contributions can be combined or used individually to improve the performance of lateral flow tests on reproducibility and/or sensitivity. Synthetic paper has been proved to be a good substrate for LFTs by allowing easy sample handling and immunoassay coupling, and will find wider applications in the field of quantitative LFTs.PatientnĂ€ra medicinsk diagnostik Ă€r ett bra sĂ€tt för att fĂ„ snabba diagnostiska svar inom sjukvĂ„rden eller i hemmet. Lateralflödestest, som drivs av kapillĂ€rkrafter, Ă€r en typ av patientnĂ€ra diagnostik som Ă€r vĂ€ldigt populĂ€r pĂ„ grund av dess lĂ„ga pris, enkla tillverkning samt att de Ă€r lĂ€tta att anvĂ€nda. De flesta lateralflödestester pĂ„ marknaden ger endast kvalitativa resultat eller har lĂ„g kĂ€nslighet. Det finns alltsĂ„ ett behov av att förbĂ€ttra dess prestanda. I den hĂ€r avhandlingen försökte jag förbĂ€ttra prestanda för lateralflödestest frĂ„n olika aspekter, nĂ€mligen: förbĂ€ttrad kontroll av flödeshastighet, ytmodifiering, blodplasmafiltrering, och immunoanalysmetod.  Variationer av provvĂ€tskans egenskaper (viskositet och ytenergi) kan leda till variationer i lateralflödesresultat. Jag utvecklade ett nytt kapillĂ€rsystem som kan ge konstant pumphastighet oberoende av bĂ„de provets ytenergi och viskositet, vilket minskar skillnaderna som orsakas av variationerna i provets vĂ€tskeegenskaper. KapillĂ€rsystemet fungerar bra för kroppsvĂ€tskor, inklusive blodprover med lĂ„g ytenergi. Material för lateraltflödestester bör vara hydrofilt och ska vara lĂ€tt att immobiliseras med protein för immunanalys. Jag utvecklade ytmodifieringsprotokoll för ett nytt material för lateralflödestest som kallas ”OSTE syntetiskt papper”. Jag testade olika hydrofila behandlingar pĂ„ syntetiskt papper, inklusive PEGMA, HEMA, O2 plasma och Tween 20-belĂ€ggning. Alla dessa behandlingsmetoder fungerar bra, och ger nĂ„got olika hydrofilicitet, och dĂ€rför olika pumphastighet. De kan anvĂ€ndas i tillĂ€mningar med olika krav pĂ„ hydrofilicitet. Dessutom flödade jag blodplasmaprover genom det syntetiska papperet med olika hydrofila behandlingar och fann att dess yta binder vĂ€ldigt lite plasmaprotein (nĂ€stan 100% av proteinet behĂ„lls i plasman), vilket visar att syntetpappret Ă€r ett bra material för biologisk provhantering. Jag utvecklade ocksĂ„ tvĂ„ protokoll för att fĂ€sta biomolekyler pĂ„ syntetiskt papper med hjĂ€lp av molekylkombinationerna tiol-yne-biotin-streptavidin och tiol-maleimid-biotin-streptavidin. Blodplasmaseparering Ă€r ett viktigt steg för lateralflödestester nĂ€r man analyserar Ă€r blod. Vanligtvis anvĂ€nds ett kommersiellt filtreringsmembran pĂ„ testremsan för plasmaseparation men tyvĂ€rr fastnar mycket av provets protein i filtreringmembranet. Jag byggde en plasma-extraherare av syntetiskt papper. Det syntetiska papperet gavs en hydrofil yta och belades med agglutinerings-antikropp. Agglutinerings-antikroppen binder ihop röda blodkroppar med varandra, och plasman fortsĂ€tter att föda. Det syntetiska papperet har porstorlek som Ă€r tillrĂ€ckligt liten för att tillhandahĂ„lla kapillĂ€rkraft för att pumpa plasma, och tillrĂ€ckligt liten för att se till att protein inte fastnar pĂ„ ytan, vilket gör att man fĂ„r mer protein kvar att analysera (&gt;82%) Ă€n om man anvĂ€nder kommersiella filtreringsmembran (73%). Nitrocellulosa och glas Ă€r vanliga material för mikroarray-plattformar. Jag gjorde en systematisk jĂ€mförelse av nitrocellulosa, glas och syntetiskt papper genom att anvĂ€nda dem som underlag för en proteinbaserad mikroarray-plattform. Den anvĂ€nde en antikroppsbaserad analysmetod för enrofloxacindetektion i mjölk. FrĂ„n de experimentella resultaten drog jag slutsatsen att syntetiskt papper kunde ge en generellt bĂ€ttre prestanda nĂ€r det gĂ€ller varians, reproducerbarhet och detektionsgrĂ€ns. Jag undersökte Ă€ven pĂ„verkan av syntetiska papprets geometriska design pĂ„ analysprestanda och valde den bĂ€sta designen för studier av mjölk. Jag fann att matriseffekten av mjölk Ă€r liten pĂ„ syntetiskt papper, att syntetiskt papper kan anvĂ€ndas direkt för enrofloxacindetektion i mjölk och med en detektionsgrĂ€ns lĂ„ngt under EUs reglemente. Resultaten av mikroarray-plattformen kan ge riktlinjer för utformning av lateralflödestester med syntetiskt papper som underlag. Resultaten in denna avhandling kan anvĂ€ndas tillsammans eller separat för att öka prestandan i framtidens lateralflödestester. Det syntetiska pappret visade sig ha god potential för att skapa kvalitativa lateralflödestester.QC 20200611</p

    Synthetic microfluidic paper with superior fluorescent signal readout

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    This work is the first report on the use of synthetic microfluidic paper for lateral flow immunoassays. We grafted test lines of biotin on the synthetic paper using the thiol-yne “click” reaction. We captured fluorescently labeled streptavidin in a lateral flow fashion. Our two main findings are that, compared to other polymer lateral flow substrates with similar surface area, the synthetic microfluidic paper geometry results in 1) a stronger and more stable fluorescent signal per capture area, and 2) a sensitivity ~7 times higher.QC 20191106ND4I

    Viscosity Independent Paper Microfluidic Imbibition

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    This work introduces capillary flow in paper microfluidics that features a flow rate Q that is constant in time, t, and independent of the viscosity of liquid sample, ÎŒ liquid: Q≠f(t, ÎŒ liquid). Compared to conventional paper microfluidics, we enclose the paper in solid walls and add a long and narrow air vent as outlet of the capillary pump, such that the flow rate is dominated by the downstream air resistance. Therefore, the flow rate depends on the viscosity of air rather than that of liquid. This significantly decreases the dependency of lateral flow biosensors on variations of sample fluid.QC 20161122ND4I

    Synthetic Paper Separates Plasma from Whole Blood with Low Protein Loss

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    The separation of plasma from whole blood is the first step in many diagnostic tests. Point-of-care tests often rely on integrated plasma filters, but protein retention in such filters limits their performance. Here, we investigate plasma separation on interlocked micropillar scaffolds ("synthetic paper") by the local agglutination of blood cells coupled with the capillary separation of the plasma. We separated clinically relevant volumes of plasma with high efficiency in a separation time on par with that of state of the art techniques. We investigated different covalent and non-covalent surface treatments (PEGMA, HEMA, BSA, O2 plasma) on our blood filter and their effect on protein recovery, and identified O2 plasma treatment and 7.9 Όg/cm2 agglutination antibody as most suitable treatments. Using these treatments, we recovered at least 82% of the blood plasma proteins, more than with state-of-the-art filters. The simplicity of our device and the performance of our approach could enable better point-of-care tests.QC 20200427EU Project ND4I

    Synthetic microfluidic paper with superior fluorescent signal readout

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    This work is the first report on the use of synthetic microfluidic paper for lateral flow immunoassays. We grafted test lines of biotin on the synthetic paper using the thiol-yne “click” reaction. We captured fluorescently labeled streptavidin in a lateral flow fashion. Our two main findings are that, compared to other polymer lateral flow substrates with similar surface area, the synthetic microfluidic paper geometry results in 1) a stronger and more stable fluorescent signal per capture area, and 2) a sensitivity ~7 times higher.QC 20210914ND4I
